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Horoscope is the chart used by psychic astrologers as divination tool. Astrology is the kind of psychic reading that reads the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial bodies like the planets in relation to worldly phenomena. There are nine planets to help astrologers.
First is the planet Mercury, the one nearest the sun. The name is based from the Roman God Mercury that can also be called Hermes. He is the winged messenger to the gods. The planet Mercury is named as such for it is the fastest planet to orbit the sun that can be related to Hermes’ swiftness.
The second planet next to Mercury is the planet Venus. Venus is the Roman goddess known for her beauty and elegance. The planet Venus can be related to the goddess’ beauty for it is the brightest planet when the ordinary eye looks in the sky. Venus rules the sign of Taurus and Libra.
Everyone knows that next to Venus is the planet Earth but astrology skipped our Mother planet and proceeded to Mars. Mars for the color of its soil which looks like red because of the richness in iron was named after the Roman god of bloodshed and war. Those signs which are ruled by the planet Mars are said to be confident and aggressive.
Planet Jupiter is the next in line. Jupiter is the biggest planet that can perfectly explain why it was named after the rulers of all gods. It is also similar to the roman god Jupiter being the guardian of all gods for it protects other planets by expelling or capturing asteroids and comets with its massiveness. Then for its size, Jupiter is related to good fortune.
Saturn is the next planet from Jupiter and the planet that rules Capricorn. Saturn is the god of agriculture as the Roman mythology had written. The planet Saturn is very popular with its ring that surrounds. It symbolizes limitations, the limitations of the human kind. In astrology, the planet Saturn is said to define the principles of human in relation to rules and idealism.
The next one is Uranus. Not all astrologers adapted this planet as part of their readings but for Western Astrologers, this planet is the one that rules Aquarius. Unlike other planets, Uranus is not based on any god or goddess but rather Greek Mythology believes that it is the night and day’s persona. Modern Astrology interprets Uranus as the planet the follows the principles of unconventional ideas.
Neptune is the second to the last planet- the god of the sea. Neptune is known for the trident as its symbol. It rules the sign Pisces which is perfect for the god it represents. Neptune is all about creativity and compassion.
The last and smallest planet is Pluto that rules the sign of Scorpio. It depicts wealth. The alchemy symbol was also used for Pluto for it was discovered centuries after the disappearance of the alchemy’s practice. In astrology, it represents renewal and transformation.